We Started off with a game session conducted by Ailin and Amanda where we need to do group acting to act out the given themes. It was really funny to seen everyone open themselves up to do things they don't normally do.
After that we had a worship session lead by Geng Yan (Worship leader), Chye Li (guitarist) and Joshua (backup singer). God's presence was so strong in that place and we know that it'll be a great and powerful time meeting with God.
Then, Magithra and Thjen Jhong came up and share their testimony on how they had experienced God working in their life and keeping them safe.
Then Came the most important part, God's word where Herman shared about 'EXCELLENCE AS PART OF OUR FATHER'S BUSINESS' where he talk about we being a family and God is our Father and He is also our King and we serving Him.
God's business is to bring people into His family and to build us up to be better people, mature believers who live our lives for Him. And this can be done by being the light where we shine which means to STAND OUT. And as sudent, one of the ways to shine is to excell in our studies. Here are some points that was being shared:
1. Maintain God's standard
a)Cheating is a sin, To score in exam by any means beside studying hard and smart for it is cheating. We study not just for our exam but to have the knowledge on what we are learning and to be good doctors or whatever profession.
b)Titus2:6-8 Similarly, encourage the young men to be self-controlled. In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness 8and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us.
2. Time management and discipline
3. Priorities and distractions
a)We need to know what distratcs us and cut it off (It can be drama, games etc, whatever that distract u from studying).
4. To give our best
a) As believers, we must always give our best.
b) Collosians3: 23-24 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, 24since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.
c) There is no short cut to success, you can never escape hardwork. (Maybe u can escape now, but it'll definitely affect what you do in future.
After the word, we celebrated birthdays of September and October Babies. And i made a mocha cake (Thank God it turn out ok, as baking is really not my area). But the whole meeting was Great and it is really an enjoyable time to fellowship with people from other cell groups and hostel as we really want to built a strong family that do life together.